About Me

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About me, always hard to put into words a description about myself. We always see ourselves differently than others do. My likes: I love sports, all kinds. Especially NASCAR and baseball. Yea, strange I know, a bleeding heart liberal who likes NASCAR and country music. But here I am. I also am profoundly proud of the relationship that I have with my children and my family. They made me who I am today. Pink is my favorite color. I like all kinds of music, except perhaps rap. I am a rabid NPR listener and love my doggie. I work full time, am a semi-vegetarian, a voracious reader and a wanna be writer. Doing all that I do in the beautiful South Florida sunshine.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 4, Wednesday Aug 19

My plan for last night self destructed. I had a humongous chunk of cookies n cream ice cream cake that was leftover from Anthony’s birthday party. AND 2 cups of rice w/lentils for dinner. And a leftover pork chop. WTH?? I don’t eat meat, so I don’t know why I have been this week.

This morning on my drive into work, I was listening to a podcast, fat2fitradio.com, that I follow and they had a listener write in about how getting Type II diabetes impacted him. With details about the symptoms etc. Well, diabetes runs in my family, in a big way. And his early, early clues and indicators are things that sound familiar. So, Jesus, I realize, this isn't about fitting into my fucking pants or being the cutest thing in shoe leather. I totally do not want to have to deal with all of this bullshit. I've been really lucky with my health and I'm at normal levels with everything, but if I continue going the way I am going, I'm bound to develop this. Well, I'm having oatmeal for breakfast w/half a banana instead of my usual bagel. I’m satisfied with my breakfast, I realize after I eat it, that I don’t need a full banana.

If the 12 year old can do it, then so can I. Plus, last night, he says, "mommy, I'll help you if you want?" How cute is he?

1230p—In assessing my hunger, I realize I’m just getting hungry. Times to start getting the tuna drained (in water) and construct my salad. I think I need to buy some cute dishes to keep at work so that my pictures aren’t of Tupperware.1p Ate lunch until satisfied. ½ the can did just fine for me along with the salad. Lunch was chopped romaine, ½ can of albacore tuna, 10g of cranraisins, 10g of toasted, slivered almonds, 10 sprays of balsamic vinaigrette, ½ of a diced pink lady apple. I ate the other half as dessert. This suited me fine.

2p—Hunger assessment: not hungry at all. Drank 40 oz of water so far today. Treating myself to my first diet coke.

3:30p – thought I was getting hungry, but not really. May have half that banana left over at 4p

415p—ate my pineapple and banana. very yum and hit the spot quite nicely. Pineapple has more calories that I originally thought, but that’s not a problem. Since I’ve been tuning into my body and eating intuitively today. Well, I suppose I’m not TRULY eating intuitively since I’m counting the calories. But, you know what I mean. My tea however, was very watered down. Boo.

7p—WOO HOO!!! I did not have a snack at Nanny’s. I even picked up a tostone and I put it back. This is a huge victory for me.

715p—I had dinner and I ate too much, but I counted everything and I am still just under my calorie count. Which means, I am having a snack later, should I want one. Right now (841p) I don’t. I’m still full from dinner.

I have a date tonight with Dylan McDermott so I’ll see you guys later.

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