I'm loving my book collection. Obviously, as you can see by the soccer ball, I have no shelves to put them on. I need to go to Ikea I think to get some shelves so I can get them off of the floor.
I'm currently reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by
Steig Larsson. I've heard so many good things about this book and it's gotten great reviews. I'll be sure to do a review if you are so interested.

Have I told you about swaptree.com? You put up the books/DVDs/CDs/video games you don't want anymore and make a list and they arrange the trades. All you do is pay for shipping.
That being said, I'm about to start the new Wally Lamb book.
yes, you mentioned it to me. It's a great idea. I haven't signed up yet because I trade my books at a local book store. I don't have a lot of space so I need to do something like that. But I find it hard to let go of books, even if I've read them.
I've got a Wally Lamb book on my TBR shelf. It's not the new one.
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