Saturday, October 31, 2009
Moved my blog
Or type in into your web browser. Thanks!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
So in that regard, there's my coffee. I start every morning with a big cup.
It's Tuesday, which is a day I usually don't like. Shy was home sick yesterday. Allergies, not Swine. She will be getting the H1N1 vaccine as they are giving them at her school. I don't usually get flu shots, but there seems to be a higher incidence and the fact that the CEO of my company who is a Neo as well as someone whose opinion I value said to get it means that she will be getting it. As will J.
Lunch is a veggie burger and some leftover mixed veggies. I'll have pictures of that at lunch time.
I'm off to get ready for work.
Monday, October 26, 2009
A new week
We went to the grocery store and then came home to work on her book report. After that I had a mini John Adams marathon and watched the first two episodes on DVD. That was such a well done show. I watched it with the kids since it was history and I wanted them to appreciate what it took to stand up for your convictions and beliefs back in that day and age.
I ended my evening with Don Draper and the gang of Mad Men. That is one of my favorite shows.
This morning I'm enjoying some coffee before I head out to work, after dropping the kids off at school.
I definitely should have taken off today. Or tomorrow. Or any day.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Another football day
I love relaxing and being up early with my cup of coffee before everyone gets up. I have quite a few things to do around the house, but I'm taking a bread at lunch time to have lunch with my friends from high school. We try to get together at least once a month. We try to do it more, but it hasn't worked out that way.
I totally neglected my reading yesterday even though I did go to the library. I'm hoping to finish the Uglies today or tomorrow. I have so many books on my TBR list that I'm not sure which one I'll pick up next. I'll probably pick back up Sunday Money since I am about half way through and dropped it to participate in the DystopYA challenge.
I'm down a pound this week. Very happy about that. I know I made some positive changes, but I also know that there are a bunch of things I could change that would make the loss more significant. However, it's not about big pendulum swings but rather slow and steady progress that will remain.
Breakfast will probably be toast with coffee and a slice of cheese. A light one since I'm going to lunch with the girls. I'll try to remember to take more pictures.
Coffee calls.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
It isn't a thriller in OT when you are on the losing side of the thriller
I ran errands in the morning and did some housework. One of the errands was heading to the store to replace my Hurricanes hat which broke while I was getting dressed. Under normal circumstances a broken and unwearable Hurricane cap would not have required an immediate replacement. BUT, today was no ordinary Saturday. I was heading to the Clemson vs. Hurricanes game this afternoon and I needed to be sporting my UM pride.
Sadly, it didn't do anything for the team. But the view from the box was amazing!
The game was exciting I suppose. since there were 12 lead changes. But, we lost it ourselves. There was a lot of sloppy play where we weren't covering in the secondary, we were giving the opposing QB too much time to throw AND the penalties were ridiculous but warranted half the time.
Anyhow, I still love my 'Canes!
In other sports related activity, the Yankees and Angels game was postponed to tomorrow. The Dolphins play New Orleans tomorrow. You know, the New Orleans team that is still undefeated. The NO team that has Drew Brees, the quarterback we passed on.
I'm fading fast but I wanted to come on and say hi. Good night all.
Friday Night Lights
This was really good. Shrimp fried rice that I made with some baby shrimp and a mix of broccoli slaw, snow peas and broccoli. There
s a couple of popcorn shrimp on top and that's amazing roasted cauliflower on the side. If you have never tried roasting cauliflower then I suggest you add it to your grocery list for today. I absolutely love it. Sprinkled with some tarragon, thyme and lemon dill this time. Lemon juice and a dusting of parmesan cheese tops it off at the end of the roasting time. I used my mini oven and it toasted up quite nicely. I wish I had more. Maybe then again not.
I watched Friday's GH and then watched a Dateline episode which freaked me out as always. Those can be scary when you are home alone. Ugh, I'm such a wimp sometimes.
I woke up Saturday morning to this
I'm not sure if you can see it in the background there, but it's a rainbow. It must have rained on and off throughout the night (I'm one of those dead to the world kind of sleepers so I'm not sure) but this is what I woke up to when I walked out my front door.
Today involves running some errands this morning and then potentially going to the Clemson vs Univ of Miami game later this afternoon. I'm waiting to hear back from a friend who has an extra ticket. The cool thing is that it is in a box, so that if it rains we won't get wet. Additionally, I'll get to bring my daughter with me since it's in the box. She and I had plans for the afternoon but we rearranged them and would rather go to the game.
Have a great Saturday!!
Happy New Year!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Special Place in Hell
I've been watching the news on the little girl who was murdered in northern Florida and I wasn't going to blog about it, but I feel compelled to express my sadness for this family. I have a 6 y/o little girl, so of course I make the natural comparison's but any parent would feel the gut wrenching horror that this poor mom is going through.
Who can harm a little girl like that? And this poor, poor woman. My heart breaks for her.
And I don't want to hear one more time about who lets a seven year old walk home without adult supervision. You don't know the situation and you don't know the circumstance that lead to that horrible and tragic decision. As I said, it's luck. We (parents) have all made seemingly innocuous decisions that could have led to tragedy but didn't. This poor woman will be forever questioning herself.
How do you survive something like that? I just saw her on the Today show and she seems incredibly strong. Much more so than I would have been.
I'm going to hug my children now.
Nothing exciting today.
The kids are getting the h1n1 flu shot. And I'm not really sure I believe in flu shots, but they are going to get them anyway. Yes, I reviewed the pros and cons and came to this decision. If something happened and I didn't have them get the shot the guilt and hindsight would kill me. Yes, that is the main reason that I am getting them the flu shots.
In other weight related news, I've been working some internal work and realize what and why I eat and what positive intent it gives me. Now, I just need to work out the habits and get into something else. Well, last night, first night I don't eat at night after dinner. Yea me. That was huge for me.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Try, try again
I'm going to try again today. And keep trying until I make it through a full day. It's that important to me.
I have to watch the Devil Wears Prada. Apparently, according to a friend of mine at work, the Glen Close character is just like my female boss and what her expectations are. Well, said boss is back today. Yesterday was a nice and quiet day at work. We'll see what it brings.
I like to think that I can trace my struggles with when said boss was promoted and thus got on her power kick, thus increasing my chronic stress levels, but that's just an excuse. Some kind of spell comes over me when I walk in the door at the end of the day and I need to bust out of this rut. It's gone on long enough. I'm sure I'd make a great case study at the local College of Psychology. Speaking of therapy, I'm thinking of not going back. I mean, I've gained 15 pounds since I've been going, so part of me thinks, what the hell am I doing. I do, however, realize, that I've made some serious progress on the demons that I have. Although, you won't see me posting a crazy ass video on here like poor Kanye did on his website. That dude is a case study for sure.
Today will be a busy day I'm sure. I'm just sitting here enjoying the quiet before it begins with some coffee. Breakfast will be my standard fare, a bagel at Nanny's. Lunch will be salad with some leftover chicken on top. I'll have a yogurt w/kashi cereal as a topping for a snack in the afternoon with my tea and then dinner will probably be mixed veggies with some lentils and rice. My evening snack will be popcorn or a popsicle.
Definitely woke up too early. I'm tired already and I haven't even gotten dressed yet.
Monday, October 19, 2009
I miss my friend
This is going to be a rather short post as well as I'm just not in the mood to write. Well, I could always write, but if it isn't anything meaningful, then all I'm doing is typing grammatically correct sentences. And even that is questionable.
I miss my friend. This person knows who they are. Or they should. I miss talking about everything and anything. I miss the comfortable lapses of silence. I miss the friendship most of all. Knowing that someone was thinking of you and waiting to share the day's events at the end of the day.
There will be some of you who are so vain that like Warren to my Carly you will think this post is about you. It isn't.
I've denied the funk that I've been in for months because of the ending of this friendship. I was able to distract myself for awhile but eventually I suppose I need to acknowledge it. My sadness about the ending of this friendship. I have to in order to move on. I miss you friend. But I'm letting go and moving on. I was able to see today that I've been holding out for a rekindling of our friendship. I see now, that it won't happen. I've learned a lot from it.
In the meantime, I'm going to go watch West Wing and read. Not necessarily in that order.
Manic Monday
In eating and health related news, I'm up two pounds. WTF?? How did that happen. Apparently the same way someone can not really pay too much attention to what they are eating and go down two pounds. (Yes, Michael, this means you!) Well, I know I haven't been writing EVERYTHING down, so I guess it's time to own it and do it. I'll need to plan out my meals in advance. I always am more successful when I do that.
My breakfast today is the same thing I have every morning: a bagel w/a spritz of butter spray and a tbsp off sugar free orange marmalade. Lunch will be a sandwich using up the leftover chicken breast. Yes, I started eating fowl on occasion. Sorry if that disappoints my veggie/vegan friends. Dinner is going to be a veggie stirfy w/a garden burger. Pictures to follow later.
Now for some local news, fall is finally here. We went from record highs of 92 to a record low of 57 the next night. Yes, it's true and I'm not exaggerating. It was so nice to open all the windows and enjoy the weather for a change.
Time to get the kiddo-s up and at 'em. Enjoy your Monday.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
BOTNS Books Podcast #47: DystopYA | Books on the Nightstand Blog and Books Podcast
So, I realized that I left out the things that I didn't like. Or why I liked it other than I just found it to be a page turner. I feel that anytime a book elicits a strong emotion, be it anger, frustration or impatience or positive emotions such as happiness or excitement that it must be well written. Well, these two books hit all of those and then some. Currently, the biggest emotion is anticipation. Anticipation of the third novel to quell the curiosity that the crazy cliffhanger that Collins left for us. But I'm putting the cart ahead of the horse. Because I also felt frustration for Katniss and her inability to see that Peeta really is the one she should choose. I never really connected with Gale because he seemed to be a supporting character in both books. I know he figured prominently in Katniss' mind, but for us, the reader, there were too few instances where he appeared for me to be able to connect with him. I was rooting for Peeta all the way, and actually got angry with him when he failed to fight for Katniss and was willing to let her go so easily.
I guess the one thing that I didn't like about the novel was that they had to go back to the Arena and fight again. Big plot moment in that, yes, I know, but I still thought there would have been or could have been a different way to do this. To get the rebellion going. I did have to say that I did enjoy it once I got past my anger at them having to get tossed back into the games.
I never realized that this was supposed to be a trilogy so imagine my shock and surprise at the ending. It's been hours since I finished it and I am still stunned.
Sunday Competition
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Went Running
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
BOTNS Books Podcast #47: DystopYA | Books on the Nightstand Blog and Books Podcast
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Heat, heat and more heat
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Friday, October 9, 2009
Hope lives again
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Best Missed Connection on Craigslist so far
to the lady that i repoed her car - m4w - 23 (Hollywood)
Date: 2009-09-30, 1:22AM EDT
you= the lady that came running outside as i was driving away in my black tow truck
you looked pretty cute and i know the sterio type repo men are white trash and nasty... but im dead sexy :D
what kind of car do (or did) you have? hit me up i might be able to help you get it back :D
Just Write (sung to lady gaga's just dance)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Random musings that aren't worthy of their own post
Monday, October 5, 2009
Acceptance of myself through others
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Sleepy Saturday
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Pop Psychology from General Hospital
Monday, September 28, 2009
Rainy Days and Mondays
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Banned Books Week
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Chore Day Saturday
Friday, September 25, 2009
10 Book To Read Before You Die

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Pick the next book I read
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Budget Cuts
Sunday, September 20, 2009
History repeats itself
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Saturday, sleepy Saturday
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It's my Friday Bitchez!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Fantasy Island
I play the victim?? Really??
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Saturday in the park
Friday, September 11, 2009
TGIF BITCHEZ doesn't seem right today
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Let's hear it for long weekends
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Third person Thursday
Monday, August 31, 2009
I'm not sure this podcast helps
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sad Day
Monday, August 24, 2009
The First Day of School
They were ready for the first day of school.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday night
Books, books and what are you reading?

Saturday, August 22, 2009
My notes
Day 5 August 21, 2009
Limiting Beliefs can inhibit the way we live our life. Beliefs are something we believe in spite of the lack of conclusive evidence. Our belief in God for example. These are things we “can’t” do and they hold us back. They often have a self-fulfilling prophecy about themselves.
Change the belief to success because success begets success.
One limiting belief is that weight loss is hard. No, it doesn’t have to be. Maybe it has been that way but that doesn’t mean that we can’t change it to where it is easy. Eventually we think like naturally thin people and it will become that way. This doesn’t mean that we don’t have to work and invest the time but that doesn’t mean that it is difficult. There have been times where I’ve had to do work, not difficult work but work nonetheless. And we can make it fun. We are going to eat anyway, so why not make it fun and enjoy this journey.
Inner conflict is what makes it hard. The body is holdoing onto the weight for some reason. There is something inside of me that won’t let it go. Inner alignment can make it easy and fun. There is a positive aspect to every action. We do the things that we do in an attempt to enjoy ourselves and for pleasure. Eventually, all actions can be boiled down to trying to get something positive for ourselves. Substituting another non food behavior for this will find me releasing the weight. I’m sure of it.
Ask the following the question to determine WHAT your limiting beliefs are:
- Is this goal desirable? Is it worthwhile?
Is this goal worth the effort that it will take to obtain it? Of course, sitting at my laptop it’s easy for me to say that it is. It’s when I’m about to make the wrong choice that I forget how much it means to me.
- Is it possible for others?
Of course it is. I’ve seen many people lose and keep it off. They have made the necessary lifestyle choices to make the changes permanent.
- Is it possible for me?
Of course it is. I’ve been at goal before. I’ve also been at a healthy weight and have exercised regularly. So I know I can do it. It’s just a matter of making it a routine yet again.
- Is what it takes to achieve this goal appropriate and reasonable?
Will I do what it takes? Believe that this is too hard? No, it really isn’t. If I imagine that eating 1300 calories a day is enough (and it really is if I make the right choices) then I need to be happy. Believe it.
- Do you deserve it? Well, this is the kicker isn’t it? If you don’t feel like you are worth anything then how can you justify allowing yourself to get healthy, or living a good lifestyle. The pressure to continue to be successful proves to be too much sometimes and then you fail. Self sabotage.
If you tell yourself that this is going to take forever, or that it will never happen, then this is what you believe. This is what you will have happen then.
Learned helplessness is also another limiting belief. Like the elephant tied with a chain. He doesn’t believe he can get free, and so he doesn’t. Just like me and stopping eating at night. I don’t believe that I can do that. That I have these habits that I always do and therefore can’t change, and therefore they don’t change.
Genetics are only about 20% the reason why we are overweight. I can control the other 80%.
I am 40 and this makes it harder to lose weight. I am ONLY 40. I have a lot of life to live and I don’t want to waste time with this struggle for the next 40 years. I need to be grateful for the struggle and learn and use the positive aspects of it. Enjoy the journey, but know that I can control some aspects of it. My eating at night and my fat rolls have been coping tools for me. Once I find other coping tools I can and will release the weight.
Three steps to changing limiting beliefs
Identify the belief (above questions)
Question the belief. As I did above as well. One thing to keep in mind is that I must be satisfied with what is while I reach for what can be.
I deserve a treat statement. Well, what’s that treat going to do for you? If it is going to keep you fat (yes, I say the fat word) then is it a treat?? Is it going to be in the terms of keeping you fat and therefore making it harder on your knees. That isn’t much of a treat.
Third step…change the belief. Identify the new belief. Visualize yourself in the new you. Being naturally thin is easier than carrying around those extra 25-30 pounds now isn’t it. Losing weight isn’t hard, being this weight is hard. State your intent and your new belief in the positive.
Try on the new you for size. Imagine you as you want to be. Eventually it will become your reality.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The importance of checking the NI
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Day 4, Wednesday Aug 19
My plan for last night self destructed. I had a humongous chunk of cookies n cream ice cream cake that was leftover from Anthony’s birthday party. AND 2 cups of rice w/lentils for dinner. And a leftover pork chop. WTH?? I don’t eat meat, so I don’t know why I have been this week.
This morning on my drive into work, I was listening to a podcast,, that I follow and they had a listener write in about how getting Type II diabetes impacted him. With details about the symptoms etc. Well, diabetes runs in my family, in a big way. And his early, early clues and indicators are things that sound familiar. So, Jesus, I realize, this isn't about fitting into my fucking pants or being the cutest thing in shoe leather. I totally do not want to have to deal with all of this bullshit. I've been really lucky with my health and I'm at normal levels with everything, but if I continue going the way I am going, I'm bound to develop this. Well, I'm having oatmeal for breakfast w/half a banana instead of my usual bagel. I’m satisfied with my breakfast, I realize after I eat it, that I don’t need a full banana.
If the 12 year old can do it, then so can I. Plus, last night, he says, "mommy, I'll help you if you want?" How cute is he?
1230p—In assessing my hunger, I realize I’m just getting hungry. Times to start getting the tuna drained (in water) and construct my salad. I think I need to buy some cute dishes to keep at work so that my pictures aren’t of Tupperware.1p Ate lunch until satisfied. ½ the can did just fine for me along with the salad. Lunch was chopped romaine, ½ can of albacore tuna, 10g of cranraisins, 10g of toasted, slivered almonds, 10 sprays of balsamic vinaigrette, ½ of a diced pink lady apple. I ate the other half as dessert. This suited me fine.
2p—Hunger assessment: not hungry at all. Drank 40 oz of water so far today. Treating myself to my first diet coke.
3:30p – thought I was getting hungry, but not really. May have half that banana left over at 4p
415p—ate my pineapple and banana. very yum and hit the spot quite nicely. Pineapple has more calories that I originally thought, but that’s not a problem. Since I’ve been tuning into my body and eating intuitively today. Well, I suppose I’m not TRULY eating intuitively since I’m counting the calories. But, you know what I mean. My tea however, was very watered down. Boo.
7p—WOO HOO!!! I did not have a snack at Nanny’s. I even picked up a tostone and I put it back. This is a huge victory for me.
715p—I had dinner and I ate too much, but I counted everything and I am still just under my calorie count. Which means, I am having a snack later, should I want one. Right now (841p) I don’t. I’m still full from dinner.
I have a date tonight with Dylan McDermott so I’ll see you guys later.