About Me

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About me, always hard to put into words a description about myself. We always see ourselves differently than others do. My likes: I love sports, all kinds. Especially NASCAR and baseball. Yea, strange I know, a bleeding heart liberal who likes NASCAR and country music. But here I am. I also am profoundly proud of the relationship that I have with my children and my family. They made me who I am today. Pink is my favorite color. I like all kinds of music, except perhaps rap. I am a rabid NPR listener and love my doggie. I work full time, am a semi-vegetarian, a voracious reader and a wanna be writer. Doing all that I do in the beautiful South Florida sunshine.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

It isn't all about me

I've come to the conclusion that the things I've gone through in my life aren't and don't necessarily have to be something that I need to learn for my life. Perhaps the things I 've learned and the experiences I've had are to ensure that my children are successful and relatively functional. I haven't always made the best decisions, shocking I know, when it comes to spending time or being maternal. BUT, I always want the best for them and I've come to realize that it's time the gauntlet gets passed.

I will not make the mistakes of my parents and I will play an active, integral role in my children's lives. If that's what my life is about then I'm ok with that. Would I like to have a relationship and someone to share my life with. Sure, but I'm thinking that perhaps that is not supposed to come to fruition until I'm done with the main purpose of my life and that's to get my kids to adulthood and have them be successful. It's gratification that I'm willing to delay.

I had a pastry for breakfast. I know, not the best choice, but it was there. And that with coffee went down smoothly. I'm off to the library sale and then to some used bookstores and consignment stores. Afterwards lunch with my princess and perhaps a stop at Walmart for some toiletries. I'll be sure to take pic's of lunch.

What are some good books you've read lately?

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